We ❤️ Volunteers

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Below is a list of current needs. If you see an area where you could help out, please contact the appropriate Board member. And if you have an idea for volunteering, but don’t see it below, send us an email!

Be a visible presence or assist with a CWG information table at community writing events.

Event information will be posted as it becomes available.

Become a member of the CWG Board (updated 11/26/23)
Although elections have come and gone, opportunities to serve as a director remain. We have three directors, but we can add directors up to a maximum of eight. We can always use help with major events, contests, and publications. To read more about our officer and director positions, please visit our BYLAWS page. If you see a position that sounds good to you, please email us using our Contact Us form or let a Board member know the next time you come to an event!

Volunteer to help with our writing contests or with the production of our anthology. Information will be posted when available.

Grant Writing/Fundraising (posted 10/23/22)
The CWG is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and as such we rely heavily on grants, fundraising, and donations. We use these funds to pay bills (such as website hosting), cater dinners for our social events, run contests, produce our anthology, and more.

Thank you so much to our volunteers! We really appreciate the following members who have agreed to help out with various events and projects.

Our Officers and Directors are Volunteers.

The Facilitators of our Writing Groups are Volunteers.

Additional volunteers include:

KB Ballentine

Chris Wood

Becky Wooley

Jim Smith

Devereaux Chivington Stebbins

Rebecca Lefkoff

Bruce Majors

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