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The Bubba Chronicles – New Tales of the Old South

 Author: David Ross Austin  Category: Fiction  Published: 01 Aug, 2022 Buy

5 Star Review by Readers’ Favorite

The Bubba Chronicles–you’re likely to meet someone you know.

Many of the stories follow Bubba Conroy, his friends, and family in a small Southern town. We first meet Bubba as a young man in church who, in his attempt to get saved, ignites a near-fatal medical crisis. In later life, seeking recognition from his peers, he gets himself into some complicated, awkward, and humorous situations.

A young Bubba and his buddies challenge the legend of a fearsome swamp creature and get far more than they bargained for.

Celebrating the New Year holiday, Bubba finds himself abandoned, freezing, and in hot water with his wife.

A lounge owner, threatened by a gang of troublemakers, single-handedly demolishes them while quoting Bible verses.

A group of young people show up for a fun water-skiing outing that goes hilariously yet tragically awry.

A preacher who only wants to fly

A naive young policeman, weary of routine patrol duties, seeks respect and acceptance, but ends up disastrously.

Mesmerized by a magnificent hunting rifle, Bubba deals and scrimps to buy it but immediately loses it in a weird twist of fate.

The Bubba Chronicles. Stories of humor, surprise, triumph, disappointment, joy, and heritage.

Enjoyable and entertaining…even if you weren’t reared in the South.


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